Please complete the registration form below. Please note that all uploads must be a max 5mb in size and in one of the following formats (pdf, jpg, jpeg, png).
Where a signature is required, you can usually do this with your mouse or track-pad or by signing on your smart device’s screen. Thank you!
To help us set up as much of your equipment as possible before you arrive, please let us know if you’re bringing anything with you, and if you’re not, we might need the size of rental equipment.
We always assume that we will supply tank and weights and weight belt if required.
By signing this document, I understand and agree to the terms and conditions and that I am responsible for the equipment I use from the time I receive them until I check them back in. I agree that I will be fully charged if I damage or lose the equipment. I agree that Dive Tribe Komodo, and/or its employees are not responsible for my personally owned equipment or personal belongings.